The Voice Podcast
The Voice is the official podcast of United University Professions, America's largest higher education union. We spotlight our hard-working members, and issues that are important to them and others who believe in a strong effective union.
The Voice Podcast
Does Albany have the means to properly fund SUNY? You bet it does.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul released her 2023-2024 Executive Budget proposal Feb. 1, which officially kicked off what’s known as budget season in Albany.
In this podcast, Fred Kowal, UUP's president and podcast host, talks about the governor’s proposed spending plan, her 2023 State of The State address, and how SUNY and public higher education could fare in next year’s state budget with two good government proponents, Ron Deutsch, director of New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, and Michael Kink, executive director of The Strong Economy for All Coalition.
UUP’s priority for 2023-2024 is to secure direct state aid for 19 SUNY campuses across the state facing structural or projected multimillion-dollar deficits. The union is also seeking $175 million in essential mission funding for SUNY’s three public teaching hospitals in Brooklyn, Stony Brook and Syracuse.
Kowal, Deutsch and Kink also talk whether state officials' fears of a recession or economic slowdown are realistic or overblown, and whether such concerns could cause Albany to pull back when it comes to fairly funding SUNY.
Meanwhile, the state is sitting on an estimated $8.7 billion surplus, from higher-than-expected tax revenue. Dedicating a small portion of that money to SUNY in the budget would serve to fully fund the university system and its three public teaching hospitals.
Read UUP’s press statement about Hochul’s Executive Budget HERE.